Frequently Asked Questions

End-to-end encryption and other security features, including HIPAA compliance, ensure your patient and customer data is never at risk.

Text messages have a 98% open rate and are therefore the best way to connect with customers and prospects. However before texting marketing messages, it is important to know about the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The TCPA was designed to protect consumers from unwanted spam calls or text messages. Violating this act subjects your business to heavy penalties. With PXEngagment™, you can set opt-in rules to be as strict as you like. You will see clear indicators of every contact’s opt-in status with options to manage that status. Learn More

96% of respondents find phone calls to be disruptive

77% of consumers experience some degree of anxiety when talking on the phone

97% of consumers reject or ignore calls from an unknown number

83% of consumers reply to a text message from a business within 30 minutes

Yes we do! Simple and safe to set up. Let technology do the work for you!

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