• Greg Caesar, former director of sales training at Stryker, and Stacy Cesler, a former regional manager at Stryker, attended The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2022 Annual Meeting and OTO Experience (AAO-HNSF)
  • AAO-HNSF provides an opportunity for physicians to come from around the world to learn about the latest groundbreaking research, engage in networking events, and stay up to date with the latest advancements. It also served to launch the PXEngagement texting platform
  • Those who signed up for PXEngagement at the conference are already being seamlessly onboarded

Greg Caesar, a former director of sales training at Stryker, said launching PXEngagement at the recent AAO-HNSF conference was successful, and he found that many practices have been looking for a solution to improve patients’ experience without adding additional burdens on staff, which is exactly what PXE offers.

“Being on the OTO Experience floor was electric! Loads of prospective customers enjoyed real, hands-on engagement with the PXEngagement texting platform,” says Caesar. “It was great to reconnect with friends and colleagues. Not surprisingly, we organized most meet-ups with old colleagues via text – because we know they see it and respond quickly. With over 4,000 professional registrants, the traffic both at our booth and on the show floor was constant. Physicians as well as Medical Device companies want ways to deepen the engagement and improve the patient experience.”

Stacy Cesler, Nicholas Binge, and Greg Caesar, former Stryker leaders, attended the conference and officially launched PXEngagement, their new solution that revolutionizes the way that health care professionals connect and interact with their patients, Keystone Business News reported. The platform facilitates text conversations between doctors and patients and offers patients the option to conduct other healthcare-related items virtually, such as booking appointments. Ceslar, Binge, and Caesar have more than 47 years of combined experience in the healthcare industry.

Cesler, a former regional manager at Stryker, said, “AAO was super successful! We are currently onboarding those who signed up at the conference and look forward to their success. Implementation is simple and seamless. Practices and corporations will be impacted immediately. It is and will continue to be fun to see!”

Source article: https://keystonebusinessnews.com/stories/632713409-pxengagement-sets-out-to-deepen-the-engagement-and-improve-the-patient-experience